Privacy Policy. Care Cabs Ltd. (“CARE CABS”) Privacy Policy for Customers and Business Associates . Personal Information Protection Act of Alberta (the “Act”) regulates the way Alberta businesses collect, use, and disclose personal information. CARE CABS recognizes the importance of the privacy of the personal information of our customers, suppliers and other business associates. As an organization, we are bound to protect the privacy of the personal information received by us about our business associates. This policy has been developed to carry out our responsibilities in relation to the collection, maintenance, use, and distribution of that personal information. This policy covers all customers and business associates of CARE CABS and includes our contractors, customers and suppliers. For ease of reference, this policy will refer to all individuals who have a business relationship with CARE CABS (other than as an employee) as “business associates”. CARE CABS has a separate Privacy Policy for its employees. Personal Information means information about an identifiable individual and includes an individual’s name, home address and phone number, age, sex, marital or family status, an identifying number, financial information and educational history. There is a distinction for mere business contact information. Business contact information refers to an individual’s name and position or title, business telephone number, business address, business e-mail, business fax number, and other business contact information. This type of information is not the subject of this policy, and may be freely collected, used or disclosed for the purpose of contacting business associates in relation to CARE CABS business, but for no other purpose. Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information CARE CABS collects only the personal information required for the purposes of its business operations, including such information as is needed to: meet regulatory requirements;